Biden administration announces joint declaration on climate change measures in COP26

On November 10, the US President John Kelly Climate Change announced a joint declaration on climate change measures with China at the 26th National Conference (COP26).On November 2, President Joe Biden criticized President Xi Jinping, who was absent from COP26, saying that "absent was a big mistake," and "China has lost its influence (for each country)".Tensions between the two countries were increasing in measures against climate change.At the U.S. -China summit meeting, which was announced online on the 15th, climate change measures are expected to be one of the agenda.


According to the joint declaration, the average temperature rising in the world based on the Paris Agreement 1 before the Industrial Revolution..The two countries will cooperate to strengthen measures within five degrees. Specifically, in addition to establishing a work group to discuss measures against climate change in the next 10 years, China will gradually reduce coal consumption in the next five years, and to formulate plans for reducing methane gas. It is. However, there is no new mention of coal about the specific figures or annual goals, and Methangus has been promoted by the United States and Europe, and about 100 countries have participated, 30 methane gases by 2030. There was no mention of participation in an initiative to reduce % (see articles on September 21, 2021, see November 4). Regarding the announcement, the United Nations Secretary -General Antonio Gutless welcomed the climate crisis that international cooperation and solidarity were essential, and the announcement was an important step in the right direction. On the other hand, US media Politico quoted the comments of an expert and said, "(1).In order to keep the temperature rise at 5 degrees), this statement is not enough, and the true value of the two countries is questioned in Glasgow..Some say that some statements are insufficient, such as how strong a transaction is required for a five -degree goal (Politico November 10).

COP26 includes many US ministers, including President Biden and Kelly, as well as Secretary of State Antony Brinken, Secretary of Gennifer Grandholm Energy, and Michael Legan Legan Environmental Protection Agency, and the Democratic Party Nancy Peloshi.Congress delegation, based on the House of Representatives (California), was dispatched.In particular, Peroshi -chairman's House of Representatives appeals to climate change measures such as the Biden administration's promoted ultra -controlled infrastructure bill (see Articles on November 9, 2021) and the Build Back Billet (see Articles on November 1, 2021).He said, "We will promote the achievement of the carbon network in 2050 in 2050, the goal of the Biden administration (even in Congress), the goal of 2030, and achieve the carbon net zero in 2050," he said.

(Keita Miyano)