[July 6 and 7] DX realized by content cloud, advanced platform for business transformation

Welcome to "The Content Cloud"


In order to continue business growth in the midst of a wave of major changes in all industries, it is essential to further accelerate digital transformation and work styles that are not tied to any place or time, including telework.

It is no exaggeration to say that all business and business processes are content-centric. By aggregating the contents, business efficiency, information governance, and security will be improved, and the business potential itself will be expanded. Box supports business transformation and the promotion of diverse work styles in the DX era as a corporate platform that supports the entire life cycle of content.

The first step in business transformation is from the "content cloud." Over a two-day period, we will deliver the visions and initiatives of leaders who are leading the transformation in various fields, practical examples by top runners promoting DX, the latest information on the ever-evolving Box, and specific use cases.

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Outline of the event

Date and time July 6th (Tuesday) 11:00 --16: 50 ・ July 7th (Wednesday) 13:00 --17:45
venueOnline seminar
Organizer Box Japan
sponser [Keynote Sponsor] Microsoft Japan
[Session Sponsor] Itochu Techno-Solutions, NTT Communications, IBM Japan, NEC, Fujitsu, Macnica Networks, Marubeni IT Solutions, Mitsui Knowledge Industry, Uniadex
[Solution Sponsor] NEC Networks & System Integration Corp., Otsuka Shokai, Ricoh Japan, Asteria, WingArc1st, Cybernet Systems, Deloitte Tohmatsu Financial Advisory
cooperation Nikkei Cross Tech Active
Tuition feefree
Contact Us BoxWorks Digital Tokyo Event Secretariat E-mail: boxwdt@ext-event.com (Reception hours: 10: 00-18: 00, excluding weekends and holidays)
remarks It will be closed as soon as it becomes capacity. Please note that the schedule and contents are subject to change without notice. We may refuse free addresses, conflicts, etc. note that.

Featured speaker

July 6: Program

11: 00-12: 00

Keynote session

Box, Inc. Co-founder and CEO Aaron Levie

Katsunori Furuichi, President and CEO of Box Japan

Shingo Sakamoto, Senior Director, Product & Support Department, Box Japan

13: 00-13: 30

Thanks to Minister Hirai!Morinaga & Co. started Box First for Wellness Company

Morinaga Business Partner IT Group IT Group Manager Naoaki Sugita

What is the information governance required of the financial industry now in New Normal?

Deloitte Tohmatsu Financial Advisory Vice President Tomoko Deguchi

Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Data Management Department General Manager Eiji Yan

Moderator: Ryo Tanaka, General Manager, Financial Sales Department, Box Japan

Thorough commentary!Box's new product that accelerates the content cloud

Box Japan Marketing Department Senior Product Marketing Manager Yuji Takeuchi

13: 40-14: 10

The data collected in Box is a treasure trove!DX promotion realized by utilizing data and AI

Mr. Kenichi Kishiyo, Data & AI Technical Sales, Data, AI, Automation Division, IBM Japan Technology Business Headquarters

Useful now! Tips for introducing NEC-style Box

Mr. Shinji Oikawa, Manager, AI Platform Division, NEC

Goodbye File Server Beyond-Challenge to the biggest challenges in Box deployment history-

Marubeni IT Solutions Solution Business Headquarters Box Business Headquarters General Manager Akihiko Murakami

14: 20-14: 50

Efforts to introduce "Box" to promote the utilization of unstructured data (documents, drawings, etc.)

Kaneka IoT Solutions Center Security Infrastructure Group Leader Tetsuro Yabuki

Document management and document life cycle to rethink because it is the cloud

Mr. Takuya Mizogami, Vice Chairman, Document Information Manager Certification Committee, Japan Document Information Management Association (JIIMA)

Box Japan Executive Officer Box Consulting Department Manager Hideo Nishi

Deepen with Best of Breed! DX with a focus on content

Box Japan Solution Engineering Department Senior Partner Solution Engineer Yuya Tsunoi

15: 00-15: 30

"Three steps to utilize Box to maximize ROI" realized with Fujitsu

Mr. Dai Iizuka, Senior Manager, Planning Department, WorkLifeShift Business Promotion Office, Fujitsu Managed Infrastructure Service Business Headquarters

Realized with Box, measures against PPAP and electronic book storage method pursuing usability

Macnica Networks 3rd Sales Management Department 2nd Sales Department 1st Section Kojiro Kubo

ServiceNow + Box accelerates DX and improves work efficiency

Mitsui Knowledge Industry Planning Group Solution Technology Headquarters Cloud Solution Department Third Technology Office ServiceNow Solution Team Leader Ryohei Ishii

16: 10-16: 40

Work Style Complementary Plan for the Digital Age (Tentative)

Mr. Takamitsu Kawaguchi, Manager, ICT Strategy and Digitization Promotion, Strategy Office, Keikyu Electric Railway Group

Talk between IT / ICT professionals! What are the points of DX and cloud shift?

Mr. Kensuke Kawaguchi, Expert, NEC Management Systems Division

Mr. Tetsuya Sato, General Manager, Planning Office, Information System Service Department, Japan Unisys

Moderator: Takeshi Kuniya, Editor-in-Chief, Editorial Department, Asahi Interactive ZDNet Japan

How does Box use Box? 2021

Box Japan Customer Success Department Customer Success Manager Wakana Tsukioka

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July 7: Program

13: 00-14: 00

Keynote session

Mr. Takamitsu Asaoka, Minister for Digital Transformation, Hirai, Cabinet Secretariat / IT General Strategy Office / Number System Promotion Office

Mr. Koichi Narasaki, Senior Managing Executive Officer, Group CDO, SOMPO Holdings Digital Business Owner

Mr. Ide Nishimura, Executive Officer, General Manager of Systems Division, Seven-Eleven Japan Systems Division

Kao Information Systems Division Executive Officer Information Systems Division General Manager Ryoichi Harada

Mr. Shigetoshi Nishiwaki, Executive Officer, Evangelist, Microsoft Japan

14: 10-14: 40

Is Teams / SharePoint alone not enough? -Box utilization promoted from the user's perspective-

Mr. Mizuho Matsumoto, Senior Manager, Infrastructure Platform Group, ICT Business Solutions Department, Eisai

14: 50-15: 20

How to use "strategic" business chat to promote the use of Box

Mr. Kenji Matsuda, Manager, Solution Section 1, Technology Management Department, Information and Communication Division 3, ITOCHU Techno-Solutions

Work style reform using Box The reason why we were able to reduce the number of employees by 80% in 3 days!

NTT Communications Speaker undecided

A telework environment that boosts productivity-Toward the realization of a digital workplace-

Mr. Katsuya Tanaka, Manager, SaaS Business Section, Service Planning Office, Uniadex Service Planning Department

15: 30-16: 00

Digital transformation in industrial waste! DX of the site promoted by Korona-ka

Mr. Yuya Ota, Group Manager, Information Systems Group, Corporate Planning Department, Takeei Corporation

Why do attempts to informatize administrative affairs repeat failures? -The last challenge of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology-

Mr. Hidetaka Sakamoto, General Manager, Cyber ​​Security and Information Technology Promotion Office, Policy Division, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

DX promotion wall (provisional)

Mr. Kuro Ogata, General Manager, ICT Strategy Department, Lotte

16: 10-16: 40

〇% penetration of threat, 120 days of introduction of Dip Box

Mr. Masaki Kamada, Manager, Infrastructure Operation Section, Information Systems Department, Dip Product Development Headquarters

"DX = Cooking" Tokyo Tech DX Strategy to Become Good at Cooking

Tokyo Institute of Technology Associate Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology CERT General Manager, Deputy CISO Satoshi Matsuura

"Let's start from what we can do" The road to DX promotion in the Blueberry Eye style

Wakasa Seikatsu Eye care Block Manager (Marketing / System (DX) Concurrent / Manager) Takashi Sawada

16: 50-17: 40
[Box Japan Cloud Connections Special Session]

Sith, be a warrior! -What is the ideal form of information system in a company? ~

Kenjiro Marumoto, CEO of Opturk

Masahiko Kashiwazaki, IT Infrastructure Planning Group, IT Strategy Department, Tokyu Real Estate Holdings Group

Yuichi Higashihara, Chief, Information Security & IT Management Department, Nikko Chemicals

Nomura Research Institute Digital Workplace Business Department 3 Chief Shuhei Harada

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