KDDI will start offering "au Mail Carrying", a service that can be used even after au carrier mail ( and is transferred to other companies, on December 20!330 yen per month

On the 15th, KDDI and Okinawa Cellular Telephone will provide email addresses for email services (so-called "carrier emails") by domains such as "@" and "@" provided by the mobile phone service "au". We have announced that we will start offering "au Mail Carrying" that can be used even if you have migrated to other than au including other companies on December 20, 2021 (Monday). The usage fee is 330 yen per email address per month (all prices include tax). The application requires an au ID issued based on the au line contract, and must be done within 31 days after canceling au from the dedicated web page ( And that. As with the au contract, you can use the Android from the "au mail app" and the iPhone from the standard mail app, and you can also use functions such as junk mail filter and automatic forwarding. In addition, the au mail application needs to be updated to the corresponding version (Version 07.00 or later) that will be delivered sequentially when the service starts. The au mail carrying service is a service corresponding to the carrier mail carrying system that was discussed at the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications at the intention of former Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga. Each company has set out guidelines to start offering by the end of the year. Under such circumstances, this time, KDDI and Okinawa Cellular Telephone have other carrier mail services "au mail" for the @ and @ domains provided by au through the au mail carrying service even after the cancellation of au. You will be able to use these au mails by migrating to mobile phone services including "UQ mobile" and "povo". The capacity is indefinite up to 400MB (5,000 cases), and you are already subscribed to au Webmail and au Smart Pass Premium or au Smart Pass (new subscriptions are no longer accepted on September 30, 2020) even after you cancel au. In that case, you can save up to 1GB (20,000 items) indefinitely. Please note that you cannot carry UQ mobile email (@ or business email address (@ In addition, the junk mail filter cannot use the address book reception setting, and the individual setting is reset at the time of cancellation, so you are instructed to reset it after applying for the au mail carrying service, and the forwarding setting is inherited as it is for automatic forwarding. However, the transfer destination change function is scheduled to be provided from the spring of 2022. In addition, you will be billed to the billing address set at the time of au contract until May 2022 (scheduled) usage, but if you want to continue using it after June 2022, you can use the application web page to enter payment information such as credit cards. Registration is required separately, and after payment information can be registered, the information will be sent to the contracted au email address or the contact email address of the au ID member information. ・ You will be billed to the billing address set at the time of au contract.・ From the 1st of the month following the application, a monthly fee for one month will be charged, and the month after the following month will be charged. After that, the monthly fee for one month will be automatically charged after midnight on the first day of every month.・ If you subscribe or cancel within the application month, you will be charged a monthly fee for the next month.・ Even if you cancel the contract in the middle of the month, you will be charged the monthly fee for one month.・ The due date depends on the payment method. ・ Payment will be made by au Easy Payment. To continue using the service after June 2022, you need to register the payment information separately from the application web page.・ From the 1st of the month following the application, a monthly fee will be charged according to the payment method of au Easy Payment.・ Even if you cancel the contract in the middle of the month, you will be charged the monthly fee for one month.・ For the second and subsequent applications, a monthly fee will be charged from the first month of application. Article writing: memn0ck ■ Related links ・ Esmax (S-MAX) ・ Esmax (S-MAX) smaxjp on Twitter ・ S-MAX --Facebook page ・ Mail carrying Related article list --S-MAX ・ "au mail carrying" Available from December 20th | 2021 | KDDI CORPORATION / au Mail Carrying | Services / Functions | auTweet
